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A laptop is powered by mains electricity via an AC adapter, and can be used away from an outlet using a rechargeable battery. Laptops are also sometimes called notebook computers, notebooks, ultrabooks or netbooks.

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The Effect Of Gadgets On The Youth

Unknown | 5:53 AM | ,

The Effect Of Gadgets On The Youth The young and trendy generation of today judge themselves, according to the kind of gadgets they posses. The popularity of gadgets among youth has ensured that newer and trendier gadgets are introduced very passing day. The addiction of gadgets has been such among one and all that it has become unthinkable of a life without a gadget. The effect of these gadgets has been tremendous, and it is often debated...

Spare Parts Extend The Life Of Electronic Gadgets

Unknown | 6:07 AM | ,

Spare Parts Extend The Life Of Electronic Gadgets It is very clear to most of us that we do not remember what we did before electronic gadgets came onto the market. Mobile telephones and hand-held computers used to be things in science fiction, but these days they are part of the normal world which we have come to rely upon quite heavily. Indeed, if one of these gadgets break down it is similar to losing the use of the arms or legs and this...

The Era of Electronic Gadgets

Unknown | 6:06 AM | ,

The Era of Electronic Gadgets Have you ever pondered what our lives would be without electronic gadgets? Our lives would come to a standstill without the use of electric devices. Electronic gadgets, nowadays, are no doubt a blessing of God. Thanks to the development in science and technology, brand new technological gadgets are being sold like hot-cakes in the marketplaces and online! Consumer electronics consist of electronic equipment...

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